Carl Schumaker


Even as a child, I always wanted to know what lies beyond the horizon.   Each year since 1999, I’ve managed one big summer tour and have frequently fit in at least one extended weekend ride.  From Cleveland, it’s a short day ride south to places like Virginia, West Virginia and the Blue Ridge Parkway.


I first read “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” in the early nineties and one line stood out as I read it.  I highlighted that line and made special note of it.  It’s the last line of chapter 10 - “Sometimes it’s a little better to travel than to arrive.”  I’ve ridden in all 48 lower states and 6 Canadian provinces, but these trips have all been about the ride and the roads.  My trip planning involves finding great roads and then “connecting the dots” to make a trip.  I’ve seen Mt. Rushmore twice.  Each time, I stopped in the “no stopping” area, took a picture and rode off.


My "Big Summer Rides" are designated as BSR's.  I'll be adding more trip reports to this page in the future.



























